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Tipo: Dissertação
Título: Acúmulo de nutrientes, produção e qualidade do caldo de três variedades de cana-de-açúcar nos ciclos de cana-planta, primeira, segunda e terceira rebrotas
Título(s) alternativo(s): Nutrient accumulation, yield and juice quality of three varieties of sugar cane in the cane- plant cycles, first, second and third sprouts
Autor(es): Nogueira, Carlos Henrique de Castro
Primeiro Orientador: Oliveira, Mauro Wagner de
metadata.dc.contributor.referee1: Cunha, Jorge Luiz Xavier Lins
metadata.dc.contributor.referee2: Paes, Reinaldo de Alencar
metadata.dc.contributor.referee3: Oliveira, Terezinha Bezerra Albino
metadata.dc.contributor.referee4: Silva, Vinicius Gomes Santos da
Resumo: Os programas de melhoramento genético da cana-de-açúcar têm disponibilizado variedades mais produtivas e com diferentes adaptações aos ambientes de produção. Algumas dessas variedades têm adaptação mais restrita, sendo exigentes em fertilidade do solo, disponibilidade hídrica e solos menos argilosos. Por outro lado, outras dessas novas variedades têm adaptação mais abrangente, apresentando boas produções de colmos e de açúcares mesmo quando cultivadas em ambientes mais restritivos quando à fertilidade do solo, disponibilidade hídrica e solos de textura média a argilosa. A variedade RB92579 foi, nas últimas safras, uma das mais plantadas em Alagoas, tanto por pequenos quanto médios produtores. Dispõe-se de informações relacionadas a RB92579, entretanto, para as variedades RB961552 e RB98710 há poucos relatos na literatura quanto ao potencial produtivo e qualidade do caldo, principalmente em cortes sucessivos, uma vez que tanto a RB961552 quanto a RB98710 são variedades lançadas mais recentemente. Assim, o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar nos ciclos de cana-planta, primeira, segunda e terceira rebrotas o estado nutricional, a produção de colmos industrializáveis, qualidade do caldo e o acúmulo de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio pela RB961552 e RB98710, comparativamente a RB92579, variedade padrão. O estudo foi conduzido no ambiente edafoclimático de Anadia, agreste alagoano, em latossolo amarelo distrófico, pertencente à Usina Triunfo. Antecedendo a sua implantação, foram coletadas amostras de solo e, de posse dos resultados analíticos, aplicou-se calcário e gesso para elevar a saturação por bases para 60% na camada de 0 a 20 cm e diminuir a saturação por alumínio na camada de 20 a 40 cm. Após a aplicação do calcário e do gesso, a área experimental foi arada e gradeada, sulcando-se, a seguir, no espaçamento de um metro. Plantaram-se as três variedades de cana-de-açúcar usando o delineamento estatístico de blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições. A adubação química aplicada no fundo do sulco de plantio foi a usualmente empregada pela usina: 500 kg por hectare de 09-14-22. As parcelas foram constituídas de sete sulcos de oito metros de comprimento. A densidade de plantio foi de 18 gemas por metro de sulco, usando-se mudas de cana com oito meses de idade. Após o plantio, aplicou-se herbicida pré-emergente para o controle de plantas daninhas. Na fase de crescimento máximo da cana foram coletadas amostras de folhas para avaliação do estado nutricional. Em dezembro do ano subsequente ao plantio, realizou-se o corte da cana-de-açúcar, avaliando-se a produção de colmos industrializáveis e a qualidade do caldo. Após a colheita da cana-planta, realizou-se a adubação da primeira rebrota, aplicando-se dose equivalente a 500 kg do adubo 20-05-20 por hectare, com distribuição manual do fertilizante. Em dezembro do ano subsequente do corte da cana- planta, realizou-se o corte da primeira rebrota, avaliando-se novamente a produção de colmos industrializáveis e a qualidade do caldo. Após o corte da primeira rebrota adubou-se a segunda rebrota com 500 kg do adubo 20-05-20 por hectare. Após o corte da segunda rebrota adubou-se a terceira rebrota com 500 kg do adubo 20-05-20 por hectare. Tanto na cana da primeira rebrota quanto na de segunda e terceira rebrotas foram adotados os mesmos procedimentos utilizados na cana-planta, para avaliação de colmos industrializáveis e a qualidade do caldo. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Scott-Knot a 5% de probabilidade. Em todos os ciclos houve diferença entre as variedades quanto aos teores de nutrientes no limbo foliar, mas nenhuma das três variedades destacou-se generalizadamente para todos os nutrientes. Apenas para o cálcio, magnésio, boro, ferro e zinco constataram-se teores foliares adequados para todas as variedades, em todos os quatro ciclos. Ocorreu deficiência nutricional generalizada para os teores de cobre e em nenhum ciclo ou variedade, os teores atingiram 6,0 mg por kg de matéria seca de limbo foliar, teor mínimo de suficiência. Para o manganês as plantas apresentaram teores suficientes apenas na segunda rebrota. Para os ciclos os teores foliares de manganês estiverem bem abaixo do limite mínimo de suficiência: 25 mg por kg de matéria seca de limbo foliar. Constatou-se efeito de variedade e de ciclos sobre a produção de colmos industrializáveis, ocorrendo decréscimo de produtividade ao longo do estudo. A quantidade total de colmos industrializáveis produzidos pelo RB92579, nos quatro ciclos, foi de 374 t por hectare. Comparativamente à RB92579, a produção de colmos da RB961552 e da RB98710 foi de 93,6 e 86,6%, respectivamente. Verificaram-se efeito de variedade para a produção de açúcares recuperáveis, sólidos solúveis, sacarose aparente nos colmos e fibra, entretanto o percentual de pureza do caldo não foi influenciado por variedade. Houve efeito de ciclo para TCH, ATR por t de colmos, ATR por hectare, sacarose aparente nos colmos, pureza do caldo e porcentagem de fibra nos colmos. O total de açúcares recuperáveis produzidos pelo RB92579, nos quatro ciclos, foi de 52,58 t por hectare, mas a produção de açúcares recuperáveis da RB961552 e a RB98710 foi de 87% da RB92579. Nos quatro ciclos, a remoção de nutrientes pela cana foi muito grande, atingindo valores médios de aproximadamente 400 kg de nitrogênio, 65 kg de fósforo e 800 kg de potássio por hectare.
Abstract: vvSugarcane breeding programs have made available more productive varieties and with different adaptations to production environments. Some of these varieties have more restricted adaptation, being demanding in soil fertility, water availability and less clayey soils. On the other hand, other of these new varieties have a more comprehensive adaptation, showing good yields of stalks and sugars even when grown in more restrictive environments when it comes to soil fertility, water availability and medium to clayey soils. The RB92579 variety was, in the last harvests, one of the most planted in Alagoas, by both small and medium producers. Information related to RB92579 is available, however, for the varieties RB961552 and RB98710 there are few reports in the literature regarding the productive potential and quality of the juice, especially in successive cuts, since both RB961552 and RB98710 are more recently launched varieties. Thus, the objective of the present research was to evaluate in the cane-plant cycles, first, second and third regrowth the nutritional status, the production of industrialized stalks, quality of the juice and the accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by RB961552 and RB98710, comparatively to RB92579, standard variety. The study was conducted in the edaphoclimatic environment of Anadia, in the wild of Alagoas, in a dystrophic yellow latosol, belonging to the Triunfo Plant. Prior to its implantation, soil samples were collected and, in possession of the analytical results, limestone and plaster were applied to increase the base saturation to 60% in the 0 to 20 cm layer and decrease the aluminum saturation in the 20 layer. to 40 cm. After the application of limestone and plaster, the experimental area was plowed and grated, then grooved in the space of one meter. The three varieties of sugarcane were planted using a randomized block design with five replications. The chemical fertilizer applied to the bottom of the planting furrow was the one usually used by the plant: 500 kg per hectare from 09-14-22. The plots consisted of seven eight-meter-long ridges. The planting density was 18 buds per meter of furrow, using eight-month-old cane seedlings. After planting, pre-emergent herbicide was applied for weed control. In the phase of maximum sugarcane growth, leaf samples were collected to assess the nutritional status. In December of the year following planting, sugarcane was cut, evaluating the production of industrialized stalks and the quality of the juice. After the harvest of the cane-plant, the first regrowth was fertilized, applying a dose equivalent to 500 kg of the fertilizer 20-05-20 per hectare, with manual distribution of the fertilizer. In December of the subsequent year of the cut of the cane-plant, the first regrowth was cut, again evaluating the production of industrialized stalks and the quality of the juice. After the first regrowth was cut, the second regrowth was fertilized with 500 kg of fertilizer 20-05-20 per hectare. After cutting the second sprout, the third sprout was fertilized with 500 kg of fertilizer 20-05-20 per hectare. Both in the cane of the first regrowth and in the second and third regrowth, the same procedures used in the cane plant were adopted, for the evaluation of industrialized culms and the quality of the juice. The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance and the means compared by the Scott-Knot test at 5% probability. In all cycles there was a difference between the varieties regarding the levels of nutrients in the leaf blade, but none of the three varieties stood out in general for all nutrients. Only for calcium, magnesium, boron, iron and zinc were found leaf levels suitable for all varieties, in all four cycles. There was a general nutritional deficiency for copper levels and in no cycle or variety, the levels reached 6.0 mg per kg of dry leaf limb material, minimum content of sufficiency. For manganese, the plants showed sufficient levels only in the second regrowth. For the cycles, the manganese leaf contents are well below the minimum sufficiency limit: 25 mg per kg of dry matter of leaf blade. There was an effect of variety and cycles on the production of industrializable culms, with a decrease in productivity throughout the study. The total amount of industrialized stalks produced by RB92579, in the four cycles, was 374 t per hectare. Compared to RB92579, the stalk production of RB961552 and RB98710 was 93.6 and 86.6%, respectively. There was a variety effect for the production of recoverable sugars, soluble solids, apparent sucrose in stalks and fiber, however the broth purity percentage was not influenced by variety. There was a cycle effect for TCH, ATR per t of stalks, ATR per hectare, apparent sucrose in stalks, broth purity and percentage of fiber in stalks. The total recoverable sugars produced by RB92579, in the four cycles, was 52.58 t per hectare, but the production of recoverable sugars by RB961552 and RB98710 was 87% of RB92579. In the four cycles, the removal of nutrients by the cane was very large, reaching average values of approximately 400 kg of nitrogen, 65 kg of phosphorus and 800 kg of potassium per hectare. Keyword: nutritional efficiency, production system, mineral nutrition, Saccharum spp.Sugarcane breeding programs have made available more productive varieties and with different adaptations to production environments. Some of these varieties have more restricted adaptation, being demanding in soil fertility, water availability and less clayey soils. On the other hand, other of these new varieties have a more comprehensive adaptation, showing good yields of stalks and sugars even when grown in more restrictive environments when it comes to soil fertility, water availability and medium to clayey soils. The RB92579 variety was, in the last harvests, one of the most planted in Alagoas, by both small and medium producers. Information related to RB92579 is available, however, for the varieties RB961552 and RB98710 there are few reports in the literature regarding the productive potential and quality of the juice, especially in successive cuts, since both RB961552 and RB98710 are more recently launched varieties. Thus, the objective of the present research was to evaluate in the cane-plant cycles, first, second and third regrowth the nutritional status, the production of industrialized stalks, quality of the juice and the accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by RB961552 and RB98710, comparatively to RB92579, standard variety. The study was conducted in the edaphoclimatic environment of Anadia, in the wild of Alagoas, in a dystrophic yellow latosol, belonging to the Triunfo Plant. Prior to its implantation, soil samples were collected and, in possession of the analytical results, limestone and plaster were applied to increase the base saturation to 60% in the 0 to 20 cm layer and decrease the aluminum saturation in the 20 layer. to 40 cm. After the application of limestone and plaster, the experimental area was plowed and grated, then grooved in the space of one meter. The three varieties of sugarcane were planted using a randomized block design with five replications. The chemical fertilizer applied to the bottom of the planting furrow was the one usually used by the plant: 500 kg per hectare from 09-14-22. The plots consisted of seven eight-meter-long ridges. The planting density was 18 buds per meter of furrow, using eight-month-old cane seedlings. After planting, pre-emergent herbicide was applied for weed control. In the phase of maximum sugarcane growth, leaf samples were collected to assess the nutritional status. In December of the year following planting, sugarcane was cut, evaluating the production of industrialized stalks and the quality of the juice. After the harvest of the cane-plant, the first regrowth was fertilized, applying a dose equivalent to 500 kg of the fertilizer 20-05-20 per hectare, with manual distribution of the fertilizer. In December of the subsequent year of the cut of the cane-plant, the first regrowth was cut, again evaluating the production of industrialized stalks and the quality of the juice. After the first regrowth was cut, the second regrowth was fertilized with 500 kg of fertilizer 20-05-20 per hectare. After cutting the second sprout, the third sprout was fertilized with 500 kg of fertilizer 20-05-20 per hectare. Both in the cane of the first regrowth and in the second and third regrowth, the same procedures used in the cane plant were adopted, for the evaluation of industrialized culms and the quality of the juice. The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance and the means compared by the Scott-Knot test at 5% probability. In all cycles there was a difference between the varieties regarding the levels of nutrients in the leaf blade, but none of the three varieties stood out in general for all nutrients. Only for calcium, magnesium, boron, iron and zinc were found leaf levels suitable for all varieties, in all four cycles. There was a general nutritional deficiency for copper levels and in no cycle or variety, the levels reached 6.0 mg per kg of dry leaf limb material, minimum content of sufficiency. For manganese, the plants showed sufficient levels only in the second regrowth. For the cycles, the manganese leaf contents are well below the minimum sufficiency limit: 25 mg per kg of dry matter of leaf blade. There was an effect of variety and cycles on the production of industrializable culms, with a decrease in productivity throughout the study. The total amount of industrialized stalks produced by RB92579, in the four cycles, was 374 t per hectare. Compared to RB92579, the stalk production of RB961552 and RB98710 was 93.6 and 86.6%, respectively. There was a variety effect for the production of recoverable sugars, soluble solids, apparent sucrose in stalks and fiber, however the broth purity percentage was not influenced by variety. There was a cycle effect for TCH, ATR per t of stalks, ATR per hectare, apparent sucrose in stalks, broth purity and percentage of fiber in stalks. The total recoverable sugars produced by RB92579, in the four cycles, was 52.58 t per hectare, but the production of recoverable sugars by RB961552 and RB98710 was 87% of RB92579. In the four cycles, the removal of nutrients by the cane was very large, reaching average values of approximately 400 kg of nitrogen, 65 kg of phosphorus and 800 kg of potassium per hectare.
Palavras-chave: Cana-de-açúcar
Nutrição mineral
Sistema de produção
nutritional efficiency
production system
mineral nutrition
Saccharum spp
Idioma: por
País: Brasil
Editor: Universidade Federal de Alagoas
Sigla da Instituição: UFAL
metadata.dc.publisher.program: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia(Produção Vegetal)
Citação: NOGUEIRA, Carlos Henrique de Castro. Acúmulo de nutrientes, produção e qualidade do caldo de três variedades de cana-de-açúcar nos ciclos de cana-planta, primeira, segunda e terceira rebrotas. 2021. 56f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Proteção de Plantas) – Programa de Pós – graduação em Agronomia, Área de concentração: Produção Vegetal, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo, 2021.
Tipo de Acesso: Acesso Aberto
URI: http://www.repositorio.ufal.br/jspui/handle/123456789/7950
Data do documento: 30-mar-2021
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